The New York Times reports that higher education institutions, "public and private, have recently eliminated or diluted the foreign-language component of their core curriculums." Now, more than ever, students must take a do it yourself approach to learning a second language. and with post-college job opportunities scattered across the globe, the importance of knowing a second language cannot be underestimated.
If your college student's Spanish classes have been eliminated, consider Spanish Simplified! It's a cost-effective and simple method of learning Spanish in a self taught, efficient manner. And the price is right. Try the first lesson absolutely free.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Teachers: Consider A Language Program After School
Here's a great idea. Set up an after school language program to augment your students' curriculum. Kids at Weber Elementary in Iowa City, Iowa, spend 30 minutes learning Spanish every week.
Spanish Simplified! is an ideal learning system for an after school program. All of the materials are already included, and 30 minutes is all you need to get through each lesson. Add some singing and a game, and you have a perfect method for enriching the lives of your students. Before long, parents will want to get in on the fun and Spanish Simplified! is also perfect for adult education classes.
Young and old will benefit from Spanish Simplified! and for teachers, it's a great way to earn a bit of extra cash.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Adults Learn Languages Faster than Children
In a hotly debated three article series in The Foreign Policy Journal, Antonio Graceffo posits that contrary to popular belief, adults learn languages faster than children. He writes that a motivated adult will be far more successful than his junior counterpart.
If you are a motivated adult who wants to learn Spanish quickly and easily, check out Spanish Simplified!
This all in one package includes a book, audio and flashcards. In a matter of weeks you can have enough mastery to speak Spanish.
If you are a motivated adult who wants to learn Spanish quickly and easily, check out Spanish Simplified!
This all in one package includes a book, audio and flashcards. In a matter of weeks you can have enough mastery to speak Spanish.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Grow Your Business in the Hispanic Community
According to the census, Hispanics make up around fifteen percent of the United States population, and that number is expected to grow to nearly 20% in the next few years. Transworld Business has published an insightful article aimed at snowboard companies, with advice we can all use for reaching this growing demographic.
The first step to sales is learning the language, literally. For a quick, simple, and inexpensive Spanish lesson plan, turn to Spanish Simplified! The Spanish Simplified! program takes you through the process, step by step, until you have a working knowledge of Spanish. And that's what you need to succeed in the marketplace.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Add Latin flavor to your Thanksgiving Celebration
Speaking Spanish is more fun when you are eating Spanish. This year, why not add some sazon to your Thanksgiving? Suggestions include pumpkin flan, turkey with mofongo stuffing, and pernil, or roast pork shoulder, along with the traditional favorites. Put on some salsa music in the kitchen while you cook, and get out family games that can be played in Spanish and English. The website My Latino Voice has these suggestions and more, with recipe links.
To make the most of your Spanish feast, it's time to hit the books and learn a few useful Spanish phrases. A quick, simple and inexpensive way to learn Spanish is with the Spanish Simplified! system. Visit Spanish Simplified! today for more information on ordering and get started.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Politicians, Take Note: The Latino Vote Matters
Following Tuesday's midterm elections, NPR reports that influencing the Latino vote is increasingly important for a win.
That means that if you are in the public realm, consider learning Spanish a top priority. Being able to handle the basics of Spanish to communicate with your constituency is a must. A program like Spanish Simplified! is the perfect fit. Spanish Simplified! is designed to quickly provide the structure of the language so that you can understand and speak simple Spanish phrases immediately.
Visit the Spanish Simplified! website for a free trial and information on this quick and inexpensive method that will have you speaking Spanish in no time.
That means that if you are in the public realm, consider learning Spanish a top priority. Being able to handle the basics of Spanish to communicate with your constituency is a must. A program like Spanish Simplified! is the perfect fit. Spanish Simplified! is designed to quickly provide the structure of the language so that you can understand and speak simple Spanish phrases immediately.
Visit the Spanish Simplified! website for a free trial and information on this quick and inexpensive method that will have you speaking Spanish in no time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Make Yourself Understood Without Being Misunderstood
Learn Spanish in just a few lessons with Spanish Simplified! Lesson 4 is all about Creative Translation. How do you make yourself understood without being misunderstood? By reorganizing your English before you translate.
Spanish Simplified! teaches you on a budget. A few simple phrases act as building blocks. We teach you to find a way to communicate the target sentences while living within your (Spanish) budget.
When you want to learn Spanish quickly and inexpensively, Spanish Simplified! is your top choice. Check out the website today.
Spanish Simplified! teaches you on a budget. A few simple phrases act as building blocks. We teach you to find a way to communicate the target sentences while living within your (Spanish) budget.
When you want to learn Spanish quickly and inexpensively, Spanish Simplified! is your top choice. Check out the website today.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Schools Cut Foreign Language Programs
Schools that recognize the importance of teaching students a second language may not be able to continue to offer language instruction due to budget constraints. The Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reports that "according to a recent study, schools across the nation are eliminating foreign language instruction and undermining a skill that economists and educators agree is one of the most overlooked but essential navigation skills in a global economy.
From 1997 to 2008, the share of all U.S. elementary schools offering language classes fell from 31% to 25%, while middle schools dropped from 75% to 58%. High school language instruction was static, according to the nationwide survey published this year by the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C."
If you want to succeed in the global marketplace, it is essential to know more than one language. Spanish Simplified! is a language learning program that can be used at home to learn Spanish when your child's education falls short. For a small fee, you receive all the materials you need to learn Spanish. Gail LeBow is a longtime teacher who has created a program to be used in the home.
From 1997 to 2008, the share of all U.S. elementary schools offering language classes fell from 31% to 25%, while middle schools dropped from 75% to 58%. High school language instruction was static, according to the nationwide survey published this year by the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C."
If you want to succeed in the global marketplace, it is essential to know more than one language. Spanish Simplified! is a language learning program that can be used at home to learn Spanish when your child's education falls short. For a small fee, you receive all the materials you need to learn Spanish. Gail LeBow is a longtime teacher who has created a program to be used in the home.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New Studies Challenge Notions About Second Language Acquisition
There are potential lifelong benefits to learning a second language, according to an article in Education Week. In the past, it was thought that the ability to absorb a new language dwindled after age 7. Now, according to the article, "interdisciplinary research conducted over the past five years at the University of Washington, Pennsylvania State University, and other colleges suggest that the time frame may be more flexible than first thought and that students who learn additional languages become more adaptable in other types of learning, too."
It is never too late to learn, and the benefits of learning go beyond the basics. The human brain is capable of extraordinary work. We prove that we can overturn old notions. Spanish Simplified! is an affordable, fast, and proven method of learning Spanish as a second language. A book, CD or cassette, and flash cards make up the total learning package. Visit the Spanish Simplified! website today for your free trial lesson.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Politicians and Spanish Fluency: Increasing Importance
The Washington Post reports that Hispanic media is taking a more vital role this election year. "Spanish-language networks and publications are taking on a more prominent role this election season, nabbing debates with major candidates and increasingly seeing their political coverage spin out into mainstream English-language media."
FILE- In this Oct. 2, 2010 file photo, Meg Whitman, left, the republican candidate for governor, shakes hands with debate moderator Maria Elena Salinas, before the start of her second debate with Democratic opponent Jerry Brown, center, held at California State University in Fresno, Calif. Spanish-language media is taking an unprecedented role in this year's election season, highlighting the growing influence of Hispanic voters. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)
The takeaway: if you are an aspiring or an established politician, learn Spanish. The Spanish Simplified! learning program is an affordable and easy way to learn the basics to communicate with your Hispanic constituency, a growing and influential group. Spanish Simplified! offers a free trial lesson. for more information, visit the Spanish Simplified! website.
FILE- In this Oct. 2, 2010 file photo, Meg Whitman, left, the republican candidate for governor, shakes hands with debate moderator Maria Elena Salinas, before the start of her second debate with Democratic opponent Jerry Brown, center, held at California State University in Fresno, Calif. Spanish-language media is taking an unprecedented role in this year's election season, highlighting the growing influence of Hispanic voters. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)
The takeaway: if you are an aspiring or an established politician, learn Spanish. The Spanish Simplified! learning program is an affordable and easy way to learn the basics to communicate with your Hispanic constituency, a growing and influential group. Spanish Simplified! offers a free trial lesson. for more information, visit the Spanish Simplified! website.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Young and Old Learn Spanish in Tandem
It's never too early, or too late, to learn a second language. The Santa Monica Daily Press reports that the Silvercrest Senior Residence Center holds classes that span the generation gap. Since the class began in May, not only are students becoming proficient in Spanish, but an intergenerational community has blossomed.
If you are part of a group, and your students are young, old or in between, Spanish Simplified! is a fun and quick way to learn Spanish. With three components, audio, book and flashcards, you have everything you need to get started building community connections right where you are. The joy of learning is lifelong.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Chomsky and Labov to speak at Penn Linguistics Conference
The University of Pennsylvania's Department of Linguistics is holding the 41st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society from October 22 to 24, 2010. The focus is how human language is situated in the brain and in the world, and how it changes over time.
Speaking at the conference will be two giants of the linguistics field: Penn alum Noam Chomsky, a professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and William Labov, professor of linguistics at Penn, who first came to the University in 1971.
Want to learn Spanish? Consider the Spanish Simplified! program, developed by a seasoned language teacher. Spanish Simplified! is based on the linguistic acquisition theory that learning the elements of the language provides a platform for full comprehension.
Speaking at the conference will be two giants of the linguistics field: Penn alum Noam Chomsky, a professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and William Labov, professor of linguistics at Penn, who first came to the University in 1971.
Want to learn Spanish? Consider the Spanish Simplified! program, developed by a seasoned language teacher. Spanish Simplified! is based on the linguistic acquisition theory that learning the elements of the language provides a platform for full comprehension.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Spanish: Spoken the World Over
Spanish is the official language in 20 countries, and recent estimates place the number of Spanish speakers world wide at up to 500 million people. Over half of America's students learn Spanish as a second language.
Start your Spanish lessons today. Spanish Simplified! breaks it down into manageable parts. You learn the building blocks, and from there, you begin to put together phrases and sentences that intrinsically make sense. Not because a phrase book told you so, but because you are training your brain to think in Spanish. When you learn with one of our competitors, you learn entire phrases, but you do not understand the fundamentals. Spanish Simplified! puts the tools of learning in your hands.
Developed by a Harvard trained language expert, Spanish Simplified! allows you to learn Spanish quickly, easily, and best of all, at a great price. For more information and a free lesson, visit the Spanish Simplified! website today.
Start your Spanish lessons today. Spanish Simplified! breaks it down into manageable parts. You learn the building blocks, and from there, you begin to put together phrases and sentences that intrinsically make sense. Not because a phrase book told you so, but because you are training your brain to think in Spanish. When you learn with one of our competitors, you learn entire phrases, but you do not understand the fundamentals. Spanish Simplified! puts the tools of learning in your hands.
Developed by a Harvard trained language expert, Spanish Simplified! allows you to learn Spanish quickly, easily, and best of all, at a great price. For more information and a free lesson, visit the Spanish Simplified! website today.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Language Acquisition and the Social Brain
There's an upcoming talk of note at the NSF.
Dr. Patricia K. Kuhl of the National Science Foundation will give a groundbreaking lecture on October 13, 2010 about how studies of language acquisition through live social interaction led to the idea that social interaction acts as a gate that triggers other types of learning. Kuhl is internationally recognized for her research on early language and brain development, and studies that show how young children learn.
If you are on a path to language acquisition, consider the use of a building block system such as Spanish Simplified! Developed by a Harvard trained language teacher, Spanish Simplified! provides audio, book and flashcards. Learn more and get a free lesson at the Spanish Simplified! website.
Dr. Patricia K. Kuhl of the National Science Foundation will give a groundbreaking lecture on October 13, 2010 about how studies of language acquisition through live social interaction led to the idea that social interaction acts as a gate that triggers other types of learning. Kuhl is internationally recognized for her research on early language and brain development, and studies that show how young children learn.
If you are on a path to language acquisition, consider the use of a building block system such as Spanish Simplified! Developed by a Harvard trained language teacher, Spanish Simplified! provides audio, book and flashcards. Learn more and get a free lesson at the Spanish Simplified! website.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Learn Spanish. Use Spanish Simplified!
Here's why Spanish Simplified! works:
Individual Customer Reviews (16)
"I want you to know I thoroughly enjoyed your Spanish Simplified! program. Previously I took a conversational Spanish Class but I was disappointed and did not retain much. At best I knew a few words, but could not construct a sentence. I was amazed at your techniques and gimmicks; they really helped me to remember. I was so excited I went halfway through the book and CDs the 1st week. I use it often at work and the Spanish-speaking people actually understand me. I highly recommend this course." Dave Tiffany, Shipping and Packaging Supervisor, Harris Moran Seeds Co. "I am in the 9th grade and it is my first year in Spanish. My grandmother ordered Spanish Simplified! to help me with my class. The book and tape follow the same methods used by my teacher, but they make it easier for me and it is like someone is really helping me learn Spanish. The materials were a good introduction for my class and I used the book and tape to expand my Spanish vocabulary. I have an A in my class and I feel that my progress is directly related to using the Spanish Simplified! book and CDs."Alysha
"I'm learning how to speak Spanish using Spanish Simplified!. I love the fact that I can speak correctly without memorizing lots of verb conjugations. The CDs make practicing easier. This program is very user-friendly."
"Your Spanish tapes are really wonderful and so is your system. Lots of clarity". Pam read more...
"…highly recommended and well worth the modest cost…"
excerpt of a review in the Journal of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
"(Spanish Simplified! is an) Excellent resource to begin learning or brush up on your Spanish. Teaches and utilizes a language "framework", which allows learning how to speak in full sentences rather than just learning separate vocabulary words. Encourages both listening and speaking with the set of cassettes (or CDs) that is included with the workbook and flashcards."
Bibliography for United Methodist Fellowship of Health Care Volunteers.
Individual Customer Reviews (16)
"I want you to know I thoroughly enjoyed your Spanish Simplified! program. Previously I took a conversational Spanish Class but I was disappointed and did not retain much. At best I knew a few words, but could not construct a sentence. I was amazed at your techniques and gimmicks; they really helped me to remember. I was so excited I went halfway through the book and CDs the 1st week. I use it often at work and the Spanish-speaking people actually understand me. I highly recommend this course." Dave Tiffany, Shipping and Packaging Supervisor, Harris Moran Seeds Co. "I am in the 9th grade and it is my first year in Spanish. My grandmother ordered Spanish Simplified! to help me with my class. The book and tape follow the same methods used by my teacher, but they make it easier for me and it is like someone is really helping me learn Spanish. The materials were a good introduction for my class and I used the book and tape to expand my Spanish vocabulary. I have an A in my class and I feel that my progress is directly related to using the Spanish Simplified! book and CDs."Alysha
"I'm learning how to speak Spanish using Spanish Simplified!. I love the fact that I can speak correctly without memorizing lots of verb conjugations. The CDs make practicing easier. This program is very user-friendly."
"Your Spanish tapes are really wonderful and so is your system. Lots of clarity". Pam read more...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Meet the Author: Gail Lebow
Gail LeBow (Ed.M. Harvard ’89) enjoys teaching and learning languages. As an undergraduate, she majored in French at Mount Holyoke College. Gail has taught English as a second language at Harvard and French at The College of Idaho and in public schools in Maryland.
After teaching French for many years, Gail decided to develop her own materials to teach Spanish. Spanish Simplified! was initially designed and taught in 1972-73 as an intensive course for VISTA volunteers in Idaho and Washington. In 1974-76, it was modified for elementary school students in grades 4 and 6.
Between 1993 and 2001, Gail revised Spanish Simplified! extensively while teaching more than a thousand students as a junior high school Spanish teacher and workshop instructor for businesses and public agencies. The feedback and suggestions of many former students contributed to the Spanish Simplified! Language Learning Program which Gail finally published in 2001.
Spanish Simplified! is now in its 6th printing. Gail is the author, publisher and distributor. Gail frequently speaks with school districts, businesses and public agencies about using Spanish Simplified! as a part of a professional development program in the workplace.
In 2002, Gail received the Business Associate of the Year award from the Nampa Charter Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Learning a New Language Can Lead to a Dream Job
Spanish is the third most commonly spoken language in the world, with an estimated 420 million speakers across the globe. The Independent (UK) reports that acquiring a new language opens up exciting new career possibilities. If you have considered Spanish as a second language, look into the easy, step by step self directed learning plan from Spanish Simplified! Developed by an American Spanish teacher with decades of experience, Spanish Simplified! allows you to set your own pace. If you want to get ahead in the global marketplace, expand your linguistic skills.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Creating Linguistic Boxes
An article in the Foreign Policy Journal discusses how to learn various languages by creating mental boxes. The author, Antonio Graceffo, writes that "as we learn each new language, we must create a separate box for it in our brain. And if we keep these boxes distinct, we will not have interference from one language to the next."
Spanish Simplified! is your path to understanding Spanish.
Spanish Simplified! is your path to understanding Spanish.
Welcome to Spanish Simplified!

The Spanish Simplified! Language Learning Program is a simple and quick self-directed course for beginners or as a refresher.
Spanish Simplified! is designed to help you learn Spanish on your own, with a course book, audio (either cds or cassettes), and flash cards. Discover how to make thousands of useful sentences using fewer than 200 words. This approach is well-known and widely used, but NOT in most classrooms. Spanish Simplified! is the short-cut that is happily discovered by many travelers and professionals while they are living or working in a Spanish-speaking country. It is an efficient and effective way to make yourself understood without being misunderstood.
Get a free trial now!
For full information on ordering, visit the Spanish Simplified! website today.
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